
Term Of Reference


  • Ensure collaboration between experts from IECRE and TC88 on the topic of Model Validation in general. This will cover topics such as power performance, loads (extreme and fatigue), siting and energy assessment, noise and grid
  • Define a split between further standards (or updates of standards) required for model validation and conformity assessment documents on model validation
  • Propose the inclusion of the various identified documents (standards and ODs) into the planned work for TC88 and IECRE-Wind respectively
  • The scope of the work is to develop a generic framework for model validation that can be used within the wind energy sector and that gives room for further details on specific topics such as loads model validation (extreme and fatigue loads), power performance model validation, noise model validation, siting and energy assessment model validation, grid model validation and other topics to be defined in the future
  • In order to ensure that the generic model is practically applicable, the first topic that will be worked out in more detail in parallel is validation of the power performance model


See IECRE 02, Annex A for SWG Terms of Reference


See IECRE 02, Annex A for SWG Terms of Reference






  • harmonisation of requirements for the certification process;
  • limiting/reducing national differences;
  • interpretation of technical requirements;
  • mutual recognition;
  • improvement of the certification process based on a broad stakeholder input;
  • development and maintenance of the relevant Operational Documents (ODs) for REMC consideration following alignment with WE-SWG;
  • identification of additional technical requirements necessary to operate the IECRE WE Schemes; and
  • identification of additional certification schemes/services required to support the WE sector.


  • To facilitate harmonized interpretations of testing requirements to global acceptance of test results (i.e. through proficiency testing)
  • To develop necessary Operational Document (OD) for peer assessment of TLs,
  • To give input to the relevant working groups under IECRE Wind
  • To participate in developing a common reporting format for competence areas defined in the IECRE Wind RoP
  • To suggest clarifications regarding TC88 measurement standards
  • To comment on clarification sheets relevant to Test Labs


  • To Represent the interests of the Stakeholder Group members
  • To Request   Comment on Clarification Sheets
  • To facilitate the dialogue between Stakeholder Groups within the IECRE Wind Sector


The wind energy End User Stakeholder Group (SG553) shall be open to stakeholders utilizing the IECRE certification schemes. SG553 stakeholders include: Wind developers, owners, operators, service providers, insurers, financiers, land-owners, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), and Agents (e.g. Consultants) acting on the behalf of the afore mentioned. Terms of Reference include:

  • Promote mutual recognition of IEC certificates, test reports, and other documents produced through the scheme,
  • Voice the requirements of the End Users for the certification system,
  • Clarify Market Requirements for the certification process,
  • Provide recommendation to the system to ensure competitive Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for wind,
  • Encourage improvement in safety and reliability,
  • Be an advocate for the system.


  • to provide a voice and mechanism for broad stakeholder input to the conformity assessment process of small wind turbine (SWT) systems, ensuring visibility of issues unique to SWT;
  • to make recommendations to the WE-OMC and develop the necessary Operational Documents (ODs) regarding the design, testing, certification, and labeling of SWT;
  • to ensure that the understanding of international standards are uniform and relevant to SWT stakeholders; and,
  • to promote global harmonization of SWT certification schemes.


To set up a plan of action and reach out to ENTSOE and ACER.


Improvement of the manufacturing surveillance process in order to incorporate it in the revision of OD-502.


  • To create document(s) for voting (DV) to be submitted to the WE-OMC member bodies that are based on WE-OMC/358/DC, WE-OMC/359/DC and WE-OMC/360/DC
  • To include in this new document, to the extent possible, the comments received as documented in WE-OMC/366/CC. For comments that are not taken on board, the reason/rationale shall be provided as to why these are not taken on board
  • This specifically means that the Task Force shall not create a new document from scratch but continue the already established work and update the existing document with comments received. This specifically means that the task force should not develop further comments on WE-OMC/358/DC. However, some of the comments in WE-OMC/366/CC are rather generic and the task force should discuss these taking into account the viewpoints from the various stakeholder groups and TF members, and achieve consensus on the best way to deal with these comments. The Proficiency Testing OD, the Participation Certificate and the Proficiency Testing Report must then be updated to reflect the consensus achieved
  • Participation in the task force is on nomination by the Member Body, hence the participants are not formally representing the stakeholder groups but are expected to be able to reflect on the viewpoints from the different stakeholder groups for those SG’s in which they are Members
  • To update the related document WE-OMC/359/DC as per comments received and documented in WE-OMC/367/CC as well as based on the more general discussions and decisions in the task force regarding the implementation of comments as per WE-OMC/366/CC
  • To update the related document WE-OMC/360/DC as per comments received and documented in WE-OMC/368/CC as well as based on the more general discussions and decisions in the task force regarding the implementation of comments as per WE-OMC/366/CC
  • The task force shall be automatically disbanded when the Proficiency Testing OD, the Participation Certificate and the Proficiency Testing Report have all been approved by the WE-OMC


  • Establish the general aim of model validation and how it is used in type and project certification
  • Establish a generic framework for model validation – including a sufficiently detailed mathematical treatment. Such a generic framework must allow further details (for instance in an Annex), for dealing with the details for the validation of each model type individually (such as power performance, loads, siting models, noise, grid, etc)
  • On top of the generic model, the details for power performance validation shall be worked out in detail, also with regards to the mathematical framework
  • An example of the level of detail that at least needs to be worked out is as follows: Assuming that the mathematics involved will include hypothesis testing, then the most common tests used in this context use the variance included within the data as input to the hypothesis test. Specifically for power performance (and most likely also loads) the majority of the uncertainty comes from Category B uncertainty, which often does not fully translate into variance in the data. Hence we would have to agree specifically on the hypothesis testing to make sure that the uncertainty on the input is properly reflected in the outcome of the hypothesis test
  • The task force is also asked to define the split in work between RECBs and RETLs regarding model validation and develop the documents needed to establish competence areas for RECBs and RETLs according to this split
  • Finally, the establishment of a model validation methodology, mathematical framework and RECB/RETL competence areas should not change the fact that the measured power curve is still required as input to the type certification. The intent isto define in more detail how this input is used


  • Reform and rework the PV related OD structure and contents by creation of deliverables that are well described and that appear to be acceptable by the PV market.
  • Develop guidance for the PV SWG to create new stakeholder groups that are necessary to attract participation to the IECRE PV system.


  • To provide a concept of the rating system based on the agreed PV-OMC decision 05/2018
  • Propose the ODs defining the processes and requirements for PV rating systems, and ensure that any PV rating system is coherent with those ODs.
  • Define the relevant bodies, their requirements, and their roles and responsibilities to enable a rating system to be established, ideally relegating to applicable sections in the ISO/IEC 17000 series
  • Based on the deliverables / ODs developed by TF 6, evaluate their potential impact on the Rules of Procedure (RoP, IECRE 02 and / or IECRE PV SUP), identify areas which need to be modified to operate the proposed rating system and issue DVs, DFAs, DCs, or Rs to initiate necessary changes or modifications in RoP, as deemed necessary.
  • To ensure that the relevant bodies can access the software tools required to conduct the rating assessment, if any.


  • To consider the consequences of the removal of the mandatory accreditation requirement and propose how this can be addressed in our Peer Assessment Process.
  • To consider this at both a Sector level, but propose a way forward that is applicable across all three sectors.
  • To consider the applicability of all Standards in the ISO/IEC 17000 series.



•Set up a process applicable to all sectors on how technical standards can be added to the overall scope of IECRE
• Set up a process, how the scope of the participants/operators (e.g. RETL, REIB, RECB) can be adapted, once a standard or a certification scheme is added to the system.
• Consider the voting result of REMC/536/DV and the recommendation A.4 in REMC/491/R



Develop harmonized transition rules for IECRE.
1) Map out existing rules.
2) Develop a common approach for ODs, CSHs, templates, application of standards,
competence areas and other relevant documents/decisions.




  • Review the drafts generated by the PV, WE and ME groups during the REMC meeting 17 September 2014
  • Will pick best parts of 3 lists and provide draft to REMC and Member Bodies for further discussion and approval


See IECRE 02, Annex A for SWG Terms of Reference


  • maintenance and development of IECRE Rules,
  • to develop a gap analysis of where we are at and where we want to be in relation to the existing rules,
  • to review existing terms of reference of other similar WGs existing under other IEC Systems,
  • to collaborate with any and all REMC WGs.


To review the many items needing consideration by a rules of procedure document.


To be determined


WG-003 intends to formalize the process of Customer Testing Facilities (CTF) by characterizing Customer Testing Facilities (CTF) for all SWGs and developing and maintaining rules e.g. procedures, OD’s, etc. to allow the use of test results of these facilities in the IECRE system in a similar manner like IECRE TLs.


To coordinate, educate and facilitate promotion of the IECRE system with broad participation of international stakeholders, including:

  •  nbsp;Make the promotion of the IECRE services efficient and powerful by coordinated/collective efforts and measured results.
  • Promote IECRE services and educate stakeholders with information that is relevant to the specific target audience.
  • Develop training and onboarding material for new participants in the system
  • Represent IECRE at relevant stakeholder groups, including conferences, associations and regulators.
  • Collect anonymized data on certification and plant performance as justification and trend reporting, and maintain an up-to-date system for field identifiers, definitions, and characterization where appropriate and relevant.
  • Develop the sales and marketing plan for IECRE, also as input for WG 006.


To be determined


1. To establish a funding model for the IECRE budget
2. To propose to the IECRE member bodies and Executive Group an annual budget forecast covering the next five years
3. In case any of the proposed budgets shows a deficit, to discuss possible scenarios and mechanisms, covering both the income and expenditure side of the budget, to ensure that such a deficit can be avoided
4. To propose a final budget, as per 13.5 of the Basic Rules, to the IECRE Member Bodies and the Executive Group, and subsequently to the Executive Secretary for submittal to the Treasurer for circulation to the Member Bodies, as per clause 8.5 b). Such a budget must not show a deficit.


Market research to determine if there is a real need for this type of certification, assess regional differences and legal frame works.


The WG is tasked with developing Terms of Reference for this WG, which shall include: market research to determine if there is a real need for this type of certification, assess regional differences and legal frame works. The REMC recommends special consideration be given to existing programs and what value the REMC could offer in that respect. This WG is further to collaborate with the OMCs and to take into account their needs, and in collaboration with relevant Technical Committees.


To develop and maintain the rules of procedures for the Hybrid/Microgrid conformity assessment scheme, which would include all the ODs necessary for the scheme as follows, including but not limited to:

  • defining Hybrid/Microgrid system configuration for conformity assessment;
  • defining conformity assessment products for all project development phases;
  • defining procedural elements and steps for conformity assessment at each phase.


To establish the roadmap and prioritize the work based on the market need and maturity of standardization of the respective area and input from end-users. To provide advice on conformity assessment matters to all IECRE committees, working groups and task forces and cooperate with IEC SMB TCs and WGs for harmonization.

Excluded from the scope of work is any work on grid connection and grid compliance at the point of common coupling, which is the scope of WG 010.



  • To reach out to system operators in the member countries through the member bodies to participate in the WG010 and establishing Liaisons between IECRE and relevant external organisations
  • to specify guidance for acceptance criteria for RECBs, RETLs, RECTFs and REIBs within IECRE for grid code compliance certification
  • to prepare new ODs for harmonized certification, testing and simulation model validation in the field of grid code compliance
  • to establish references to IEC standards and committees related to grid code compliance


1. To collect input on strategic goals from IECRE stakeholders and to provide clarity regarding the strategic goals that may arise as questions from IECRE stakeholders.
2. To propose a prioritized list of strategic goals to the REMC and get these approved by the REMC.
3. To develop one or more strategies to achieve the approved strategic goals in order of priority and in the most efficient manner and to get these approved by the REMC.
4. To ensure that the IECRE strategic goals and strategies are linked to the IEC strategic plan and CAB operational plan and other relevant documents.
5. WG 011 is the contact window (or sounding board, or focal point) for the IECRE Officers for strategic CAB topics (as identified by the IECRE Officers).
6. To review and update the strategy as required.
7. The implementation and execution of the strategy is not part of the scope of WG 011 but will be agreed with the REMC and relevant IECRE sectors, working groups, task forces and stakeholder groups and the agreed action will be communicated to the REMC.



WG 301 is tasked with developing and maintaining ME-OMC Rules of Procedure.


WG 306 is tasked with developing and maintaining the ME-OMC budget and business plan.


WG 360 is tasked with developing and maintaining the necessary Operational Documents (ODs) to operate ME Sector Certification Schemes and deliverables.


The working group is tasked with developing the Rules and Procedures for the recognition of RECBs and RETLs for marine energy under the Conformity Assessment scheme. Upon acceptance, recognised RECBs and RETLs will be authorised to issue IECRE Conformity Statements and Test Reports, respectively


To maintain the rules of procedure for the PV sector, these rules include: IECRE 04 rules of procedure and the following operational documents (OD 401, 403, 403-1, 403-2, 401-1 and 404).

Responsible for OD-401 series, OD-403 series, OD-404   OD-409.


  • To define assessment procedures and develop necessary Operational Documents to assure that RECB/REIB applicants comply with relevant requirements of the PV sector
  • To define the requirements for peer assessment in the PV sector
  • To define master templates for certificates and inspection reports as the base for specific documents in the PV sector

Responsible for OD-408 series


The Marketing Working Group continuously monitors and assesses industry trends to provide market validation for new areas of interest to IEC RE members. The Marketing Working Group organizes the development of communication and education programs for members, potential members on issues critical to the IECRE PVOMC future success. This may include: Tradeshow promotions, Booth Opportunities, Events   Speaking Opportunities, and Public Relations. It promotes the acceptance of the IECRE PVOMC conformity assessment system in the target market segments of the PV system financial stakeholders including: rating firms, investment funds, private equity investors, insurance companies, consumers, governmental entities.

  •     The Promotions track within the marketing group works with the IECRE PV-OMC to identify industry needs through surveys, market research and market surveillance
  •     The Data track insures compatibility of data and collects anonymized data on certification and plant performance as justification and trend reporting. WG404 will design unique data field identifiers, definitions and characterizations where appropriate and relevant, WG404 will determine necessary data submitted to the IECRE secretariat for certification and identify public data fields

It coordinates its work with REMC WG 004.

Responsible for OD-402   OD-407.


To develop a 5 year business plan to include financial forecast for submission to the REMC, which will be updated annually.


  • To define procedures and documentation required for Quality System assessment and certification in the IECRE PV sector; including but not limited to module manufacturing, BOS component manufacturing, and system installation
  • To develop necessary Operational Documents in terms of assessment procedures, auditor competency and qualification, and consistent application of relevant standards; to meet the requirements of the PV sector

Responsible for OD-405 series   OD-410 series.


a) Document maintenance:
Maintain and revise existing rules, OD and technical guidance documents; create and publish a document maintenance schedule.
b) New documents:
Identify the need for and initiate propose the creation of new documents, competence areas, or certification schemes; create and publish a visual representation of applicable documents (“document map”).
c) Administration and implementation:
Coordinate assignments from the REMC; ensure consistency with WE SWG, WG 001, and the SGs; ensure operational implementation in alignment with the IECRE Secretariat (publication of rules, documents and certificates).


To develop a 5 year business plan for submission to the REMC, which will be updated annually.


  • To create document(s) for voting (DV) to be submitted to the WE-OMC member bodies that are based on WE-OMC/358/DC, WE-OMC/359/DC and WE-OMC/360/DC
  • To include in this new document, to the extent possible, the comments received as documented in WE-OMC/366/CC. For comments that are not taken on board, the reason/rationale shall be provided as to why these are not taken on board
  • This specifically means that the Task Force shall not create a new document from scratch but continue the already established work and update the existing document with comments received. This specifically means that the task force should not develop further comments on WE-OMC/358/DC. However, some of the comments in WE-OMC/366/CC are rather generic and the task force should discuss these taking into account the viewpoints from the various stakeholder groups and TF members, and achieve consensus on the best way to deal with these comments. The Proficiency Testing OD, the Participation Certificate and the Proficiency Testing Report must then be updated to reflect the consensus achieved
  • Participation in the task force is on nomination by the Member Body, hence the participants are not formally representing the stakeholder groups but are expected to be able to reflect on the viewpoints from the different stakeholder groups for those SG’s in which they are Members
  • To update the related document WE-OMC/359/DC as per comments received and documented in WE-OMC/367/CC as well as based on the more general discussions and decisions in the task force regarding the implementation of comments as per WE-OMC/366/CC
  • To update the related document WE-OMC/360/DC as per comments received and documented in WE-OMC/368/CC as well as based on the more general discussions and decisions in the task force regarding the implementation of comments as per WE-OMC/366/CC
  • The task force shall be automatically disbanded when the Proficiency Testing OD, the Participation Certificate and the Proficiency Testing Report have all been approved by the WE-OMC